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Rachael Plant

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Nov 5, 2021

4 minute read

Fleet Management Blog

Streamline Fleet Workflows with Outsourced Maintenance Automation

Fleetio takes outsourced maintenance management to a new level with outsourced maintenance automation. Streamline workflows, automatically record service data and consolidate billing at more than 85,000 U.S. shops.

outsourced maintenance automation

Automate Outsourced Maintenance With Fleetio

When it comes to maintenance, most small- to mid-size fleets opt to outsource. While outsourcing maintenance can save your organization money, many processes like approvals and payments are time-consuming and cause unnecessary downtime.

Most outside fleet data, like fuel cards and telematics, can be integrated into your fleet management software, but many fleets are still managing their maintenance in a paper-based system. It can be difficult to gain actionable fleet insights when tracking down and sorting through data on spreadsheets.

Fleetio’s outsourced maintenance automation (OMA) streamlines work order management. Using Fleetio allows you to manage external vendors, repairs and approvals through your fleet management software.

Leveraging Fleetio to manage your fleet’s outsourced maintenance helps maximize savings and reduce downtime and costs by getting your vehicles in-and-out of the shop quickly.

Let’s take a closer look into Fleetio’s OMA software, its capabilities and how it’s helping fleet managers across the U.S. improve their maintenance processes.

Streamline Workflows and Expedite Maintenance

It’s crucial for your vehicles to get into the shop and back on the road quickly, but often, your drivers are waiting on approvals or payments to go through, or you’re playing phone tag with shop managers. What a poor use of your valuable time!

Fleetio allows you to streamline the approval process in real-time. When a work order line item is entered into the software, you receive instant notifications to approve or reject the order, allowing you to keep the ball rolling.

All maintenance is under your full control, eliminating surprise line items on your invoices. Set auto-approval or rejection rules based on shop, cost or service code, or review all requests manually.

Once approved, shops can complete the maintenance quickly and have your driver back on the road. Payment is handled automatically, eliminating the need for drivers to carry extra credit cards, and maintenance data is automatically uploaded into Fleetio, eliminating data entry.

Fleetio service reports

Consolidate Billing and Save Big With Maintenance Providers

Handling bills has never been easier. Instead of sorting through mounds of paperwork and spending time reconciling invoices, you can receive one monthly statement for all your fleet maintenance vendors and verify transactions with an easy-to-read report.

This process also eliminates late fees and interest, as Fleetio pays your shops for completed work within 48 hours.

Another benefit to outsourcing maintenance is the access to competitive pricing and expert technicians. Usually, national providers save discounts for large fleets, but smaller fleets can now receive national pricing and discounts with our Maintenance Provider Network.

Our Maintenance Provider Network gives you access to exclusive discounts and sends all maintenance data to Fleetio for ease of access. With the Fleetio Maintenance Shop Directory, managers and drivers can search for trusted shops nearby to handle maintenance.

While we have a growing network of more than 85,000 national and independent providers, there’s always the chance the shop you currently use isn’t in our network. Not a problem! You can invite your usual shop or shops to join our network to automatically receive service data.

Fleetio service reports

Track and Analyze Service History and Maintenance Records

As we’ve mentioned, getting a single, consolidated monthly bill eliminates hours of back office work, and having service data import into Fleetio automatically keeps you on top of maintenance. Those benefits also extend to one of the most important aspects of fleet management: tracking and analyzing operations data.

Many organizations have to wait weeks while outsourced maintenance data is entered into their system. With Fleetio, all work order data, including detailed line items, is automatically captured, allowing you to create, view and share maintenance reports quickly.

Fleetio gives you the ability to easily access custom fleet reports to monitor servicing and get a comprehensive view into maintenance expenses. Not only do you gain insight into maintenance costs, you can also better understand service trends across your fleet.

Fleetio’s outsourced maintenance automation

Reducing fleet costs is a constant challenge for fleet managers, and many are seeing the value in outsourcing maintenance. Fleetio allows you to not only outsource your maintenance and repairs, but maintain control and improve workflows with no added cost.

With maintenance being one of your largest ongoing expenses, it’s crucial to have visibility into all aspects of servicing. Fleetio’s OMA feature not only helps you manage vendors and consolidate billing, it provides visibility into all aspects of your fleet's data.

Streamline your outsourced maintenance operations and consolidate billing while maximizing your savings with Maintenance Shop Integration, Fleetio’s OMA. Start your free trial of Fleetio or request a demo today!

Editor’s note: This blog post was originally posted in September 2019 and has been updated for accuracy and relevancy.

About the Author

Rachael Plant

Rachael Plant

Senior Content Marketing Specialist

Rachael Plant is a Senior Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio whose automotive background spans from managing auto parts inventories to overseeing fleet-specific editorial in national trade publications. She resides deep in the middle-of-nowhere Alabama with her two dogs and, thankfully, reliable GPS.

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