We’re happy to announce some great updates, mostly pertaining to fuel management software in Fleetio.
- You can now save notes and comments for Fuel Entries , just like on Service Entries. This is great when you want to capture additional information about a particular fuel-up.
- We added a reference field for Fuel Entries as well. Now you can record things like invoice numbers or transaction codes for a fuel-up and easily find it later.
- Analytical fuel trends are now displayed in Fleetio. These fuel management analytics help you compare a specific fuel entry’s details to the average amounts for a vehicle (e.g. fuel economy for a specific fuel up compared to the average).
- We added an advanced mode to the Vehicle List and Vehicle Details Reports , which allows you to search by more fields including VIN and license plate.
- License plate information now appears on the Vehicle List Report.
- We added a “Save and Add Another” button to the Vehicle form so you can quickly input multiple fleet vehicles into Fleetio.
All of these ideas came directly from customers , so keep the feedback coming. We’re listening!
Log in and check out the new updates now.