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Case Studies


Fuel delivery service provider Filld utilizes Fleetio to enhance maintenance insights, track costs and increase efficiency in managing parts and vehicles.

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Type: Fuel Delivery Service

Where: Mountain View, California

  • Tags:
  • inventory
  • fleet-maintenance
  • fleet-management

Company Objectives:

  1. Easy software implementation and cost tracking
  2. Vehicle inspection insights and alerts for maintenance needs
  3. Increased efficiency and visibility for managing parts inventory

Filld takes the hassle out of filling up at the pump by delivering fuel to customers at home or work as well as servicing fleets. It has 25 trucks providing onsite fuel in major metro areas across the U.S. and Canada.

Having insights into the health and cost of these assets is critical to Filld’s ability to serve its clients.

The need for flexibility and vehicle cost insights

After testing fleet management solutions ranging from tedious paper logs to multiple fleet software applications, Filld quickly adopted Fleetio Manage. Using Fleetio’s electronic vehicle inspections, Filld is able to track the state of its trucks both before they head out and after they return on a daily basis. This has allowed Filld to better serve its clients and has become increasingly important as Filld scales its fleet size.

“We were doing paper logs and experimenting with a few other tech applications and really Fleetio was the one that very clearly set us up for long-term growth.” Ryan Hamilton, Sr. Director of Fleet Ops at Filld

Vehicle inspections weren’t the only thing Filld needed to track. It also wanted a software solution that could automatically determine each vehicle’s cost per mile. This was yet another selling point supporting the adoption of the Fleetio platform.

“One of the biggest features Fleetio provides us is being able to track how much every mile costs us with our trucks and how maintenance costs get distributed over the mileage. Being able to see that in real-time is a huge thing for us." Ryan Hamilton, Sr. Director of Fleet Ops at Filld

Enhancing inventory management

Filld customizes each of its vehicles in-house, retrofitting standard pickup trucks with a variety of parts and equipment. The addition of these components transform the vehicles into Filld’s unique fuel transporters and dispensers.

If a part is not working properly, is defective or simply not up to Filld’s manufacturing standards, however, it must be replaced or risk negatively impacting the vehicle.

“We’re able to catch that on the second or third time that it happens as opposed to having to use a paper log where the red flags might not surface. Fleetio really helps us with that,” Hamilton said.

With a variety of parts, some very similar in scope and size, it was difficult to effectively manage inventory at the shop. Filld needed a way to track and distinguish which parts were at critical low quantities and needed replenishing to avoid a bottleneck in servicing.

“Fleetio’s parts app gives us the ability to manage our inventory of bolts, fire extinguishers, fuel filters; things that go on our trucks that are an important part of routine maintenance. Those were really some selling points for us.” Ryan Hamilton, Sr. Director of Fleet Ops at Filld

Taking a proactive approach

Operating around the clock, Filld can’t afford to have a lack of available vehicles due to unexpected maintenance requirements. Instead, it needs to have a backfilled truck available when another vehicle is taken out of service.

Fleetio’s scheduled maintenance reminders allow Filld to easily engage in preventive measures to avoid costly downtime. With several drivers sharing a vehicle in a given day as well as having a remote workforce, Filld utilizes Fleetio’s vehicle assignment features to ensure each driver is matched to a specific truck for their shift.

Vehicle assignments is yet another feature that allows Filld to maintain visibility into its fleet as well as take proactive measures to ensure it runs smoothly.

“Having insights readily available and the ease of implementation that Fleetio has given us has been great.” Ryan Hamilton, Sr. Director of Fleet Ops at Filld

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