We’re excited to announce Issues for Equipment Management! Collaborate on equipment issues from start to finish - and resolve issues efficiently.
In the latest version of Fleetio Equipment Management, we’ve added robust issue management capabilities allowing you to fully create, manage and resolve issues with your team. You can now report defects immediately and address problems with your small equipment - before they seriously affect day-to-day operations.
Collaborate on Issues to Get Them Resolved
When we launched Equipment Management a few months ago, we had our focus on one mission: Ensuring accountability for your equipment. Users were having trouble managing where their equipment was, who was responsible for it, and their struggle with keeping equipment running efficiently - we wanted to help solve that.
When your employees rely on small equipment and power tools to do their jobs, it's mission critical to quickly identify when those assets aren't working and get them fixed as soon as possible. To help you manage defects and keep your equipment functional, we're excited to announce issue tracking for Equipment Management!
We purposefully focused on the collaboration aspect of issue management in this release because we understand that it's all about making it easy for various stakeholders to interact and ensure all equipment issues are resolved to minimize downtime
This latest release empowers users to report issues on faulty equipment with a description & photos within minutes. When they assign an issue to a team member, Fleetio will automatically notify the person in charge of ensuring that the issue gets resolved in a timely manner so Fleet Managers, Foremen and other administrators can hold teams accountable and get their equipment back up and running in no time.
Similar to the concept of issues for Vehicles in Fleetio, users can watch specific issues in Equipment Management. By doing this, users receive all status updates, activity and comments about that issue through notifications, and will see “watched” issues displayed in the Notification Center where they’ll get access to real-time updates on the issue, who has commented, what has been commented and a resolution message when the issue is resolved.
Increased Visibility into Issues to Keep Teams Accountable
Along with being able to watch issues, you have the ability to keep track of all history related to issues with an intuitive timeline. Easily identify who opened the issue and when they opened it - along with all the activity through resolution/closure of that issue.
Gain insight into who that equipment was assigned to prior to it breaking down to get a complete understanding of how and why that issue occurred. Issues can then be assigned to team members so that you can keep your team accountable in ensuring that the asset is fixed. View a complete history of issues for a specific equipment asset to make decisions on whether you need to continue fixing those issues or if it’s worth it to simply replace it with a newer piece of equipment.
Easily collaborate with your team, take action immediately and capture issues as soon as they arise with Fleetio Equipment Management.
Start your free trial or request a demo and experience the power of an essential fleet management solution.